But red is our favorite colour…

geng geng geng!!

Funny story. So,

( you know its about to get real juisy when a storytime starts like this. Lets see how this goes.)

Well, a friend of mine Wandia (not her real name), makes dating seem so easy . The odds may be because our big man here has the facitilies for exactly that.

Siri play Milkshake by Kelis.

Here is a huge disclaimer though, Wandia the wonder woman has a type and no, i’m not referring to the tall, dark and handsome type of preference.

lets not act like we are forgetting the RICH type. Rrrrarr!!

She is hands down into narcissists, she finds their sense of entitlement rather triggering.

We could go on and on about her love life but lets focus on this particular guy, shall we?

Wandia started seeing this guy late last year at a time when she was still nursing a serious heartbreak wound. Vulnerable enough to get convinced by Mr new catch.

This guy love boomed Wandia and pushed on harder when he realised that it was working. I’m talking about the ” oh, i was just calling to check up on you” kinda situation. His charmingness left wandia certain that she was the wan.( see what i did there. No, okay… lets proceed )

Weeks into there situationship, he told her that he loves her and would want to take things to the next level.

and thats on red flag number one.

One thing led to another and if you think im referring to the benefits then you are absolutely right. But one thing stood out for about this guy.

He never really mentioned his friends and when he did, he often backed up the information with trash talk, always presented his boys as casual acquaintances and got really offended whenever Wandia and her girls would go out.

“Umm, i feel like you are spending so much time with kina Kimmy, we barely have us time.”

red flag number 2 but it looks quite pink from here yk.

I guess that kicked off the series of their endless problems. Let not mention how he played the victim each time they had an argument.

It sounded pretty much like, ” I’m sorry i cant do anything right or I’m sorry i’m not the perfect partner.”

Making Wandia apologize even when she wasn’t at fault.

All these red flags make a perfect bouquet dont you think?

Long story short, things didn’t work out. (they wouldn’t have anyway.)

This goes to all the Wandia’s out here and those yet to be. Here is just a reminder that you deserve better and anyone making you feel otherwise should see themselves out!

I hope that in this new week you will have your eyes open to any redflag and flee babygirl/ boy. I hope you stand up for what you believe in unshaken. Always remember YOU call the shots. Have a lovely week!

Kimmysuniverse shout out goes to Nathan Murage @iammuragee on Instagram.

Thanks guys for being a part of my journey. I love you!

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tory, so

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